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Neuroscience Education Program

Neuroscience program in line with the brain science centers is current one of the most acknowledged “brand” the academic education in the most of the universities in Israel and beyond its borders. Implementation of such a program has multiple advantages in different points of view:

  • It leads to significant enrichment of academic program with new disciplines;

  • It encourages interdisciplinary education of the students as neuroscience has different interfaces of interaction between biological, medical, theoretical and engineering fields of science.

  • It attracts a significant number of excellent students, which may serve as foundation for outstanding scientists, medicine and healthcare specialists, also dramatically improving performance in medical industry too.


Our neuroscience program takes advantage of all-encompassing systemic approach and tight interaction with the real scientific laboratories. The concept of the approach unfolds movement from acquaintance with the general information in all fields of neuroscience with further detailed study of specific area on more profound level. In addition to theoretical frontal lectures, the laboratory classes, computer simulations, seminars and internship in the research labs would further enhance the educational process. Although the main goal of the program is to prepare excellent neuroscientists, the top education level with wide exposure to the research laboratories will not curb ability and choice of the graduates to choose other fields of science.

© 2018 Integrative Brain Science Center - Ariel (IBSCA), Ariel University, Ariel 4070000, Israel

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