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Advanced Neuroscience Program 

Dr. I. Michaelevski is the Program Coordinator

Advanced Neuroscience Program is currently under development.


Advanced Neuroscience study program will be developed for:

1. Regular M. Sc and Ph.D. tracks

2. Ph.D. direct track for outstanding students

3. M.D. - Ph.D. and Ph.D. - M.D.  tracks will be implemented together with the medical schools operation start.

The united M.Sc. and Ph.D. program will include four tracks with their own core courses. Curriculum of each track will contain mandatory given annually and elective courses given once in two years. Two types of mandatory courses will be given: a) specific for M.Sc. track, b) common mandatory course for M.Sc or Ph.D. programs. Elective courses will be common for all M.Sc. – Ph. D program and available for students of all tracks.

Special program will be implemented for students, which graduate B.Sc. outside the neuroscience field. These students will be required to accomplish their training to be on the same level as regular students of the program.  

© 2018 Integrative Brain Science Center - Ariel (IBSCA), Ariel University, Ariel 4070000, Israel

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