Unfolding the Mystery of our Brain and Mind
Research Questions
What is the role of plasticity, amodality & memory formation duing perceptual learning?
What is the role of visual experience in shaping the neural network linked with navigation?
What neural structures do blind people rely on to navigate?
How can we maximaize the potential of sensory substitution devices?
Are the nodes involved in navigation process vision only orare they sensory and modality independent?
How do blind people represent space? Is this representation equivalent to the representation made by sighted people? What strategies do blind people to learn spatial relations?
Methodologies used
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Functional Magnatic resonance Imaging
Behavioral Neuroscience
Maze navigation, Maze learning
Functional and anatomical connectivity
Brain plasticity, amodality, multi-sensory integration, sensory substitution, navigation, perceptual learning, spatial learning, maze learning, scene recognition, blindness, congenital blindness, hippocampus, parietal cortex, retrosplenial cortex, occipital cortex, parahippocampal place area, magnetic resonance imaging.
Courses for Advanced Neuroscience Study
The Neuroscience of Expertise
Brain plasticity rehabilitation and accommodation
Head, Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (VCN lab)
Ariel University, The Department of Psychology -
Fellow of the Azrieli International Foundation, the ELSC (Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences) and of the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR).