Unfolding the Mystery of our Brain and Mind
Prof. Izhak Michaelevski
Research Questions
What is the role of ABL and AKT protein kinases in synaptic transmission and plasticity & memory formation?
How protein phosphorylation affects memory engram related gene expression?
What is the mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease related amyloid beta peptide effect on synaptic activity/plasticity?
How electromagnetic radiation may affect protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases? – in collaboration with the NITR (Dr. I. Koman, head)
How interplay aging-related cognitive impairments and depression? – in collaboration with Prof. A. Pinhasov
How can neurodegenerative diseases be diagnosed by synaptic pathology identification high-throughput approach? – in collaboration with Dr. E. Perlson
Can be neural coding/information processing quantum based?
Is spatial mapping of memory the major role of hippocampus?
Methodologies used
Electrophysiology: patch clamp in cell cultures and slices, field recording ex vivo and in vivo in anesthesized and freely moving animals, LFP, EEG
Optical Imaging
Behavioral Neuroscience
High-throughput methods: mass-spectrometry, proteomics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics
Biochemical methods
Theoretical Neuroscience and Biophysics
Synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, signal transduction, learning and memory, neural network, information coding, neurodegenerative diseases, protein kinases
Courses for Advanced Neuroscience Study
Biophysics of Excitable Tissue
Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity
Molecular and Functional Mechanisms of Learning and Memory
Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Chairman, The Integrative Brain Science Center – Ariel (IBSCA)
Coordinator, Advanced Neuroscience Study Program
Head, Laboratory of Molecular & Functional Neurobiology